

  • 16.06.2011

Cologna Veneta Typical country house with land

Typical country house on two levels restored, now in its raw state with attached storage and a large fenced surrounding land of about 3000sqm.
  • 10.06.2011

Presented to EIRE the Manifesto of Real estate

The 2011 edition of Ireland closes with the presentation of the Manifesto of Real estate (attached), illustrated by Antonio Intiglietta document (photo), President Ge.Fi, which follows three days of work that began with the event Opening "The States-General of the Real estate", where over thirty players in the "system" real estate were compared in a constructive way.
  • 23.05.2011

Istat Annual Report: Italy is Europe's economy grew less during the years

Istat, Italy was Europe's economy grew less during the years 2001-2010
  • 10.05.2011

Bianco, rosso, verde: una questione d’immagini

A Reggio Emilia la sesta edizione di «Fotografia europea»: oltre 300 mostre e più di 60 eventi
  • 29.04.2011

SOLAREXPO GREENBUILDING Verona (Italy) 4-6 may 2011

Solarexpo, the international exhibition and conference on renewable energy and distributed generation, is Italy's leading trade fair dedicated to sustainable energy and the green economy. The event is a crucial component in the market development of the new technologies that will play a fundamental role in the context of the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases.

Solarexpo's 12th edition will feature a special visitor experience through four technology focus areas, dedicated to particularly topical energy themes, to create better synergies between exhibitor and visitor. On top of this, Solarexpo presents SOLARCH - a special project on Building solar design & technologies - while its outdoor exhibition areas will provide the appropriate space for large-scale technolgoies (WIND area, CSP area, INVERTER area, TRACKER area and BIOENERGY-IN-ACTION area).

Alongside the exhibition, Solarexpo will offer a rich programme of conferences, seminars, training courses and other special events – including the Italian PV Summit - offering industry players a thorough update on issues related to the new economy: from solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy to cogeneration and trigeneration, from technology transfer projects in developing countries to green jobs and much more besides.
  • 24.03.2011

Farmland il primo vero Agripark d'Europa

The direction of the company Barbiero Agricola spa put our company in the group of real estate dealers in the territory holders. The license entitles the licensee to manage all activities other privileged way of promotion of the park.
  • 15.03.2011

Since 2012 ACE mandatory for real estate ads

The Decree on Renewable introduces the obligation to indicate the index of the energy performance of commercial listings for sale
  • 08.03.2011

Sondaggio congiunturale sul mercato delle abitazioni in Italia Gennaio 2011

Nel quarto trimestre del 2010 si indebolisce il quadro del mercato immobiliare. Alla
prosecuzione della tendenza positiva dei nuovi incarichi a vendere si sono contrapposti il
calo su base annua delle compravendite intermediate dalle agenzie e più diffuse indicazioni
di flessione dei prezzi. Anche le attese a breve degli agenti sulle condizioni del mercato di
riferimento mostrano un peggioramento, mentre prosegue, pur attenuandosi, l’ottimismo
circa le prospettive di medio periodo del mercato nazionale.
  • 26.02.2011

Abusivismo e concorrenza sleale nel settore della mediazione immobiliare

Il mercato immobiliare rappresenta una realtà assai complessa e ricca di prodotto e di opportunità e, per queste ed altre ragioni, anche motivo di grande concorrenza, spesso sleale o addirittura abusiva.
Ethika lavora con lealtà e rispetto delle regole sia nei confronti dei propri colleghi sia nei confronti dei clienti, poiché crede che comportamenti onesti siano un beneficio per tutto il mercato immobiliare e per questo invita chiunque venga a contatto con pseudo agenti immobiliari di denunciarli per esercizio abusivo di professione.
  • 18.02.2011


Legambiente campaign on energy efficiency in buildings.
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