

  • 12.10.2012


The circus is over and even those who have lost a clown smile
From anywhere you look at the market today through one of the most difficult stages of the post-war period onwards. Apart from a few niche sectors, in all sectors of the competition has become very strong. The factors are different: the macroeconomic, the liberalization of the European market, the pressure from emerging countries (China and India all), the last resistance of the former monopolies of our house, the policies of containment or fall of prices in the large society. SMEs, companies personal, small professional firms are caught in the middle from which it is difficult to escape. In this context, there are many solutions. One is a burrow in the shell of their convictions and wait for the storm to walk. Will? The doubt is strong, and this is perhaps better prepare for a new scenario for the long term, in which the dynamics described above will be the norm. Changing the approach to the central market becomes essential for companies.
Collaboration as strategic value
Finding your way around is not easy. It is to reverse years and years of conception of the market. From a competitive, SMEs need to move to a collaborative model. The cultural and economic gap that separates small and medium-sized enterprises by large companies, in fact, can be overcome only by creating a network of relationships and collaborative relationships, mutual support, aimed at improving the production cycle as a whole.
Collaboration between firms
The road of cooperation between enterprises is a demanding road and not easy to apply. In many cases, however, it is also an obligation. Beyond the market pressures that would be enough to justify the need for cooperation in some specific cases of market is a must cooperate. The opportunities offered by the law are numerous, from the consortium to consortium companies, and recently the legislature has also favored the temporary meeting between companies to get their public supply contracts. These are all opportunities to exploit.
A system
Companies, and SMEs in particular, are to promote the development of a comprehensive view of a city-system, and then to climb a province-system, a system-region, a country system. That is, all the actors, laid down their arms typical of internal competition, must believe and act so that the system to grow. Growing the system, the company also obtains the advantages derived from this growth. Stare at the margins and to compete with other companies in the system is likely to miss the train of competitiveness. Competitiveness, in fact, no longer measured in terms of province or region. It is measured in terms of country, and still more, macro-regions or the whole world. Globalization requires the ability to look to the global market in terms of challenges and productivity. The peculiarity of work in this context is that the base has become the model for competitive collaboration. And be warned: this does not mean abandoning its policies in favor of those of others, but make them available to a global plan for growth without promoting close to our detriment.
The benefits of collaboration
But why collaboration can be a weapon so effective? Collaboration means better communication and closer relationship between suppliers and customers, sharing some of the processes, the more bargaining power in comparison to third-party providers to institutional subjects, communication skills and persuasion end customers with joint actions, focused partnerships, for research and innovation or in the development of some parts of the production. The benefits are numerous and can be traced in almost every area of ​​production and market positioning.
The role of the Internet
In this series of benefits derived from a policy of collaboration, the Network can play key roles. Internet is by itself a means of collaborative that lends itself to many uses shared.
The change of mentality
Any level of collaboration is meant to implement, it is certainly necessary to seek the involvement of institutional actors that can facilitate a positive outcome. Chambers of commerce, associations of industrialists in the sector, local authorities and other institutions have a vested interest in creating a cooperative atmosphere. This, however, is not enough: the passage from the competitive model to that collaborative, in fact, must not and can not be a simple agreement or management of properties. The first step to a successful partnership is to approach the experience with a new mentality, open and available.
It 'obvious that the real estate industry is changing. It is changing faster than ever. But where is it going? And where should you go?
The global and the local can be seen as two sides of the same coin. The glocalization believes that the foundation of society in every age has been and is the local community, the interaction of individuals, organized groups increasingly widened, present in an area. The glocalization is at the center of his "philosophy" means the individual, the human person, local heritage material and immaterial of the person and the group. Do not ignore the dialectic that comes from the encounter-clash of the various groups within the sub-system logic but never loses sight of the micro with the macro in its report. Gives importance to the free market but believes that it can never be considered a "first" since the market one of the many functions of the human person who has taken many facets over the centuries. The glocalization gives importance to communication between individuals and groups defined in space and time and how new technologies have fostered an acceleration in the process of transformation. The glocalization believes should be subject to serious analysis of the content of the communication, mediated by new technologies can suffer from distortions, superficiality, banality.
"Think global, act local", a synthesis of the thought-world, which takes into account the planetary dynamics of interaction between the peoples, their cultures and their markets and act locally, taking into account the specificities and peculiarities of the historical ' area in which you want to operate.








Green is a model of aggregation between modern enterprises, flexible, responsible and successful.
Green is a network of values ​​and value: shared ethical values ​​and applied that create a recognition and prestige.
Green "branding": Many estate agents are presented with the name of their owner and they do boast of greater security and reliability, but this limits the usability of the brand.
Green is a system of integrated services for real estate agencies. The desire to seize business opportunities for, size and / or credibility, you can not manage yourself and the need to reduce the cost of sales and marketing at the same time reduce business risk by investing in emerging technologies, urging the establishment of a network of companies through collaboration and the sharing of their opportunities produce real added value for members.
Green is a winning system that applies methods already in use in other sectors of the real estate world, in order to reduce the fixed costs of agency, create synergies, and offer more expertise.
Green is a network of companies that complement each other but operate in complete autonomy entrepreneurial earnings prospects far superior to those offered by traditional real estate franchisor, mainly due to a significant cost savings for the same services received.
To join the network must have the prerequisites and competencies and compliance to the penalty of non-admission or exclusion.
For more information:
Dr.. Franco Conte
franco.conte @